We are mechanical keyboard enthusiasts based in the Czech Republic. Tired of the stereotypical keyboards that everyone else has? With us you can build a new one according to your needs and ideas. If you don’t want to assemble a keyboard, you can leave it to us. Choose your size, material, type and colour – there are plenty of options. If you need help choosing parts or assembling your keyboard, contact us – contact@reelag.com, we’ll be happy to help.

What led us to start Reelag?

I’ve been a gamer for a few years now, when I got tired of all the stereotypical keyboards that are mostly similar, I started looking for something new. Eventually I got the chance to try building my own keyboard and that’s when the idea of bringing this option to more than just gamers in the Czech Republic first came to my mind. After a couple of months of searching for suppliers, creating a website and working on the details, we created the first Czech e-shop that specializes in custom mechanical keyboards.

Tomáš Tománek, founder of Reelag.com


e-mail: contact@reelag.com
phone number: +420 604 115 909

Tomáš Tománek
e-mail: tomas.tomanek@reelag.com
phone number: +420 604 115 909

Billing information
TOPOS – T s.r.o.
Brněnská 500
686 03 Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště

IN: 255 77 638
TIN: CZ25577638